NSF Workshop: Systems and Control Theory for Synthetic Biology

Thursday Nov 4 - Friday Nov 5, 2021

Venue: Hilton Alexandria Old Town (Potomac A, B, Salon AB)

Organizer: Domitilla Del Vecchio

Co-organizer: Ron Weiss

▼ About

The objective of the workshop is to articulate a research vision for addressing pressing challenges in engineering biology, including issues of robustness, scalability, modularity, and systematic design. Systems and Control Theory has developed tools to address similar problems in different engineering domains, and a number of researchers have been applying and extending such tools to Synthetic Biology. However, it remains subject of discussion the extent to which such tools will need to be "re-invented" to fully enable robust, scalable, and modular engineered biological systems that can be systematically designed. To address these questions, the workshop will bring together researchers working at the cross-roads of Synthetic Biology and Control Systems.

▼ Agenda

▼ Participants

Neda Bagheri (U. Washington, Seattle)
Enoch Yeung (UCSB)
Eduardo Sontag (NEU)
Hana El Samad (UCSF)
Murat Arcak (UC Berkeley)
Brian Munsky (Colorado State U.)
Jeff Hasty (UCSD)
Howard Salis (Penn. State U.)
Leonidas Bleris (UT Dallas)
Ophelia Venturelli (U. of Wisconsin, Madison)
Chris Myers (U Colorado, Boulder)
Marcella Gomez (UC Santa Cruz)
Andras Gyorgy (NYU, Abu Dhabi)
Diego Oyarzun (U. of Edinburgh (UK))
Xiaojun Tian (Arizona State U.)
Xiao Wang (ASU)
Josh Leonard (North Western U.)
Elisa Franco (UCLA)
Mustafa Khammash (ETH)
Frederick Leve (AFOSR)
Aura Gimm (OSD)
Mitra Basu (NSF)
Sankar Basu (NSF)
David Ross (NIST)
Ron Weiss (MIT), co-organizer
Domitilla Del Vecchio (MIT), organizer

▼ Collaboration Document

Please, use this document if you'd like to propose topics for discussion before the workshop. Inputs in this document will be included in the planning of the discussion themes for the groups in Day 1

▼ Acknowledgments

We would like to thank the NSF-CCF program and Dr. Mitra Basu for funding.